The maoist's leader during the CA election asked the people to vote for them promising to change the current status of Nepal and develop it into a developed country. In their manifesto they had promised to construct different infrastructure, start different industries, hydropowers etc and etc. and has also promised to raise the economic status of Nepalese by creating hundreds and thousands of employments. Seeing their determination and acknowledging their promises the public had voted them to run the government and fulfill the promises they had made to the people.
Months have passed but the maoist led government hasn't done any significant leaping regarding the economic or other development of the country. Yes there are some positive things they have done but that isn't enough to satisfy the people who have started to dream big ( as the maoists have taught them to dream big through their manifesto). They have taken a few steps forward but their pace is too slow to be noticed and the people are eagerly waiting when their slow little steps becomes a giant leap for the Nepalese and the Nepal.