Monday, July 26, 2010

Who Will Be The Next Prime Minister of Nepal

As Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal has resigned from his post, we can see a lot of political groupings and talking going on among the major political parties of Nepal. UCPN-Maoist, UCPN-UML and Nepali Congress were on the forefront in the run of the primeministership. As one have to get a majority of votes (2/3rd of the assembly votes), they were busy making consensus among themselves and other smaller political parties. UCPN-UML withdrew from the competition in the last hour. Now the two major political parties UCPN-Maoist and Nepali Congress are standing against one another for the post of Prime Minister. They are having counselling with other smaller parties for their support in the election but till now no sort of consensus has been made which creates uncertainty about who is going to be the next PM of Nepal and when will he be the next PM?

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Rijan Karki-- Where Is He Now?

What actually the Nepali youth Rijan Karki, who had challenged the Newton's theory regarding Law of Gravitation and Einstein mass energy relation E=mc2, doing after returning from his presentation in NASA? This sort of thing might be going in the minds of everyone who has followed him and his news at that time.
The Nepali young scientist Rijan is currently pursuing his higher education in one of the reknowned college in the capital of Nepal i.e. Kathmandu. Although it is unknown what sort of response he received from the scientists of NASA regarding his theory which he presented there, he is determined to move ahead with his research, while reexamining his theory and try proving his theory with more proofs to support it.