Friday, November 15, 2013

Voter's Identity Card To Be Distributed

Nepal Election Commission has started distributing voter's identity card through out the country from today.

The voter's id is said to be distributed at the polling centres in all the village development committees and municipalities in the country. The voters who are enlisted in the voter's list but unable to take the voter identity card due to some reason can vote on the basis of the citizenship certificate or driving license or passport or any other identification document with photo issued by the Government of Nepal and government organisations.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

CA Election In Nepal

Kathmandu. 10 Nov. 2013

The government of Nepal is all set to conduct the second CA election, that is going to happen after eight days. The people of Nepal are eagerly awaiting the CA election scheduled to take place on 19th November. Major political parties along with all other smaller parties and independent candidates are busy preaching and publicizing their political agendas to the public and convincing them to vote them so that they can represent the interest of the public in the parliament. However, a major problem can be seen in all of the political parties and the candidates competing in the election. When we read their manifesto, we will find their promises to people regarding the development of the country and their societies, but nothing regarding what sort of constitution will they be drafting.

The election fever has risen to its ultimate height. From the early morning till late evening we can find the cadres of political parties preaching their parties agendas to the public and telling them to come to vote on the day of election. With small incidences here and there, the journey to the election date is going well.