Rijan Karki, a high school student, is finally back to Nepal after attending and presenting his report at International Space Development Conference(Orlando, U.S.A.) held from 28-31 May 2009.
This local youth from Nepal has challenged the law regarding the gravitational force proposed by Newton and the mass energy relation E=mc2 formulated by Einstein. He has developed a new theory regarding the above mentioned theories currently prevalent in the scientific field. He has said that his theories will help to expose the secrect of black hole as well.
He had received tremendous attention from all sector of Nepal. At a press conference organized on 11 May 09 after returning to Nepal, he told that some scientists were impressed by his report and others criticized about it. But he has been told that the scientists of NASA will thoroughly experiment on his hypothesis before saying anything about it.
Despite their views, this young scientist is very confident regarding his theory and says that they(scientists from NASA) will prove it correct. About his future plan, he says that he will further delve in his studies about the universe and will gather other information regarding his proposed theory.
Best of luck for this budding young scientist, who will surely keep the name of his country NEPAL.