PM Jhala Nath Khanal resigned from his post on 14 th of August. And since then he has been just a caretaker Prime Minister waiting for someone onto whom he can hand over the post of Prime Minister. Seven days is about to come to an end but no consensus has yet been made between the major political parties who are demanding for a unity consensus government. Different levels of talk has been taking place from time and again but no result has yet been accomplished.
Nepal is in the process of remaking itself by turning it into a peaceful country which was once involved in a decade long conflict and war. The rebel group has come into the mainstream politics transforming themselves but also the peace process is just stagnant. A new constitution to be drafted is uncertain of its being drafted. The political parties are in a conflict with each other regarding the power sharing attitude. This power acquiring attitude and work of their has turned as a hindrance/blockade in drafting the new constitution and giving the peace process the final touch. Also the conflict among the political parties has left the country in a limbo with no official Prime Minister or official cabinet. This political vacuum which is arising in this Nepalese context is going to cost the Nepali people a lot as it will affect the peace process and also the whole economy of the country.