A blog sold for fifteen million dollar. Reading this sentence you might get amazed and stunned. Your brain, though its receiving the information, won't let you believe that a blog could be sold for that huge sum of money. However, the information is true and the person lucky enough to get paid that huge sum of money for his blog is Johns Wu. His blog bankaholic.com was sold for $15million. This deal has shut the mouths of those who used to say that blogging is not for earning, one cannot make money/living for it and at the same time it has inspired thousands and millions of bloggers that they could also achieve this feat. Their blogs could also be a medium through which they can earn their living and fulfill their dreams.
Johns Wu has achieved a huge success in the field of blogging, however, its not an easy task to achieve such things. For that one has to work determindedly and persevere in his/her mission to be one like John Wu.
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